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My Spa Night In!!

Hey guys!! Welcome back to my Blog :)  
Lets face it, we all cant afford to go out and get face treatments done every week. So here is my drug store friendly, sensitive skin friendly and dry skin friendly Spa Routine. 

                                           So starting my Spa night off i love to Exfoliate with
Tea Tree & Witch Hazel Exfoliating face scrub. This light exfoliating scrub contains antibacterial tea tree oil and skin calming witch hazel to keep your skin clear and healthy by unclogging pores of dirt, oil and make up. it also smooths your skins surface and helps brighting your complex. I really love this product as it works and only costs 5.29 (euro) in Boots.

My next step is using my Liz Earle Intensive Nourishing Treatment Mask. it say's " From time to time, our skin needs a little extra help, whether tired, stressed or dry from exposure to the elements." I apply a thick layer onto my face and neck. I leave it on for about 10-15 minutes. Then i soak my face with a hot cloth and wipe it all away. It leaves my skin feeling so soft and fresh. This product is 21.50 (euro) and can be purchased in boots. :)
Next up on my list is Liz Earle Instant Boost Skin Tonic Spritzer. This Revitalises, soothes and tones for instant radiance. I use this as it makes my skin feel very fresh and hydrated. Its really just a fresh feeling. I sprize as much as i want on my face, about 3-4 pumps. This is 19.75 (euro) and you can also buy it in Boots also :)
My favourite part has to be this part. This is Argan Oil Night Repair Serm. This is a Serum with Moroccan argon oil extract intensive revitalising formula. It helps repair and rejuvenate, leaving skin looking smooth and healthy. I have very dry skin and i also have eczema and this dose not effect my skin at all and leaves it soo soft and smooth with no bumps or dry patches. I bought this in the 2 euro for 2 euro. You can also purchase it  in Dealz for 1.50 (euro). :) 

My second most important step is to moisturise. This is the moisturiser i use and its the Clinque Dramatically Different Moisturising Cream. Moisture rich cream combines all day hydration with skin strengthening ingredients. makes skin more resilient. spread over face/throat twice daily all over. Me personally, I only use this cream at night time as it dose make your skin very oily. but the softness in the morning is worth it. it dose wonders to the face. This is 35 (euro) in the Clinque stand in Boots.
And last but not least is my life saver. I cannot live without Sudocream. So Sudocream is for things like napkin rash, eczema and bed sores. But i and many beauty bloggers such as SoSueMe use this to treat our pimples. I apply this to my face at night time to weather ever its needed on a pimple. the next morning your pimple is gone or if it was huge the night before it shrunk in size to a little dot. 

If you follow me on facebook you would know that i went through hell with my skin. From being on strong cream prescribed by my doctor to finding products that my skin wont react to as i have very sensitive skin. So i can honestly say that i have no problems with any of these products and i hope that this will help you to have an amazing Spa night at home in the comfort of your own house. hope everyone has a good week and i always here for any questions you have!! :) 


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