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Caring For My Skin

Welcome to 2018!!!

I hope you guys had an amazing Christmas and an amazing New Years.
I'm entering the new year sick unfortunately, i have the flu. But I'm not letting that ruin my new year. My first blog post of the year is going to be all about treating my skin. Since I'm sick my skin has been quiet good to me considering my illness. I have one pimple and i'm trying to put a stop to them spreading, because lets be real, no one likes pimples :)

So i wear alot of makeup 90% of the time and for me just using a cleanser just doesn't remove all of it. Instead of double and triple cleansing i just use a face wipe to get the basic layer off.

These are the Nivea 3 in 1 Cleansing wipes. Normally I'm not a big fan on wipes as people as that they are horrible for your skin. But for me there a must have as like i said i use a lot of makeup and i find that double cleansing just don't work for me. I love these wipes as they smell amazing and are super soft on my skin and doesn't make it feel tight or dry. And they also caught my eye with the eye lash care sign on it too as I'm currently wearing mink eye lashes.

The next thing I'm going to talk about is something new to me. i still don't know how i feel about this product, but as always i will be honest to how i feel about it now.

My boyfriend bought me this for Christmas because i have always wanted one. you see all the You Tube's use this in there skin care so i had to try one for myself. I was afraid that it would irritate my skin as i have really sensitive skin and this moves around in circles to clean your skin. I use this on the low setting and so far it seems to be fine. It defiantly takes your makeup off and cleans deeper than using a face cloth. This retailed at €34.50, but boots have a special offer at the moment and its now down to €20. As always i will leave links down below to where you can buy these products.

I have already done a review on the No7 cleansing balm, this one is kinda different it's the melting gel cleanser. I like to use this one when i have loads of make up on as it literally melts the makeup away. What i also love about this product to is that it leaves my skin feeling so fresh and so hydrated. Hydration is such a big key for my skin, as i do suffer with really bad dry skin and sensitivity. A huge big thumbs up for me. This retails at €13.50, but boots have a special offer on at the moment and its now €6.00. what an amazing deal. I will leave a link down below.

The next thing you want to do is to remove all the dead cells that are hanging around on your face. If you leave the dead cells, it can cause breakouts and it will interact with your makeup that you apply leaving bumps and lumps. This one is my absolute favourite exfoliate. Its so soft on my skin, but it still dose the job its suppose to do. Its not hard and rough with big lumps. its smooth with little tiny grains in it. perfect for sensitive and dry skin. This retails at €21.25.  

So I usually do these steps first and then i run a bath and apply the next  product in the bath, So i can relax and the product can really treat and nourish my skin. 

This is the Liz Earle Moisturising Treatment Mask. So like i said above i like to apply this in the bath so i can leave it on for a good few minutes before taking it off. I'd usually leave it on for 15-20 minutes, and then i take my hot cloth and remove the product from my face. It leaves my skin feeling so soft almost as soft as a baby. I try and do this treatment once/ twice a week as my skin is dehydrated and needs moisture. This retails at €21.50.

And last but not least, is this absolutely amazing moisturiser. I really mean it this time, hands down this is my most favourite moisturiser ever. I have never come across such a budget friendly cream in my whole of 20 years living on this plant ha ha. honestly i 100% recommend this to every single person with dry skin. It hydrates your skin and stays on the skin for a while and leaves you with a dewy look. i use this as night time and daytime cream. i even use it under my makeup and it doesn't make it to oily or greasy. This retails at €13.00 amazing. 

I hope you guys try some of these products and find them so amazing like i did. And can i just say how budget friendly No7 is. I'm shocked. As always i have left all the links down the bottom, so you guys can see where to get them and the prices. Hope you have an amazing week. 

Louise Claire X


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