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My sosu order

      Hey guys welcome back!!
So if you's are huge fans of Suzanne Jackson you would know that she recently put a new product on the market. Her own Dripping gold tan. And of course I was sitting at the computer the night of her pre sale dying to get my hands on it. While I was sitting there I ended up putting a few items in my cart as you do hahaha. So I just though I would share with you guys what I got. Just before we start this,I payed for everything myself with my own money. 
So I'm going to show us what I got.

So obviously the first thing I ordered was her drIpping gold tan!! I have seen so many reviews on this tan, and so far they have been all amazing. I really have high expectations for this. I was so excited ordering it. I just feel like the pre sale should of been sent out little earlier before it hits the stores. But anyway I'm dying to try this out. I got the shade dark as I love a nice dark finish to a tan!! The tan retails at €21.95.  I ordered everything on her website, I'll leave a link:

The next product I ordered was the sosu pro blender. I'm very picky when it comes to picking out beauty blenders. Some beauty blenders just soak up all your product. The only beauty blenders I use are the real technique and the No7 ones. I've seen Suzanne using this one all the time when she dose tutorials over on Instagram so I though why not give it a try. It retails at €5.99

Of course I just needed to add her eyelash adhesive into my basket too. I haven't really heard much about her eyelash adhesive before so here it is. It kinda looks similar to the duo one ( I use this one all the time). But I'm looking forward to seeing how well my eyelashes stick on and how long they stick for. This retails at €5.95 

Last but not least I picked up the Contour stick on the shade light. I use her contour palette all the time, but I wouldn't use every shade in it. And I find it dosn't really fit in my makeup bag. My sister actually got the shade cool In the contour stick and it feels much smoother then the palette. But I'm dying to give it a try and see how the application goes and the coverage.  This retailed at €15.95

Hope you guys enjoyed my post! As always please comment your thoughts on these products if you have tried them already.
Louise Claire X


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