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My Top 3 favourite holiday outfits :)

Hey Guys!!
So some of us might know that i was on holidays a few weeks ago, and i decided that i would do a blog post on my top 3 favourite outfits instead of posting them on Facebook, and that is what i'm doing :)

I hope you guys enjoy the pictures and as always i will tell you guys where my outfits are from.

This Outfit by far was my absolute favourite. As you can see its a sparkly of the shoulder play suit. I was a bit worried that the sequence on the top would be irritating me all night, but to  my surprise it was fine no irritation at all. It Sparkled in the sun set which you can see in the first picture. Its just so beautiful.
This dress was from Quiz in Liffey Valley.
For the shoes i wanted something comfortable, because lets face it who wants to ear heels in the heat when they go away. so i wanted something simple but with a little heal. i went with these Sandles from penny's. There such a neutral colour so it goes very well with my outfit and it didn't take the look away from the dress. These shoes where 20 euro in penny's also in Liffey Valley.  

I Still cant get over how beautiful and simple this dress is. The first day I got to Spain I seen this hanging up in the shop and I just had to get it. Its so casual but cute and so pretty at the same time. i love the off the shoulder look but I really like the way that theirs a strap to hold it up. And can i just say that lace detail on the end of the dress and on the selves. I am a sucker for lace its just so elegant. I wish i could give you guys a link to this dress but i cant as it was purchased in Spain. I just had to share it with you's. I bought this for 19.95. 

Moving on to swim wear, this fabulous Swimming suit from penny's. It had white and navy strips all over the body suit with Vacation Vibes writing in vibrant pink writing. This swimsuit was so comfortable and as its high wasted it didn't make my bum really uncomfortable lol. I went a size up for this suit as my normal size 8 was too tight on my bum, so i went up to a size 10. Always try them on before you buy them to make sure it fits. This retailed at i think 12 euro, i cant remember but it wasn't that expensive. 

I hope you guys enjoyed my top 3 favourite outfits from my holidays. Thank you guys for reading and have a lovely week. 


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